Authentic healthy recipes on the go
Your cooking companion to prepare rich, nutritious/healthy, and authentic flavors in your own kitchen. Preparing food at home is now hassle-free, hygienic, and convenient.
No more
skipping breakfast
No more
refrigerated food
Tailored to retain
your traditional taste
Food@Home in 4 Steps
Load | Command | Cook | Nosh
Load the chopped ingredients in the ingredient tray and gently slide it into the device
Select among your favorite cuisines and initiate the cooking process. NOSH, your cooking robot facilitates the rest
Sit back and relax while Nosh prepares delicious meal for you
Remove the pan. Your nutritious meal is ready to be savored.
Bon Appetit!
Your craving is fulfilled through a simple command
Load ingredients and get it prepared whenever you want.
Explore healthy and tasty recipes
Set taste
Command it to cook remotely
Create your own